
New Bird in the force | Rafale's induction ceremony

Rafale's induction ceremony:    Today is a historical day for the Indian airforce, one of the most advanced jets in the world is now in our air force. This will help us to increase air supremacy over our airspace. Although the jets had already been delivered to India on the 27th of July of this year their induction wasn't done yet. This is the first batch of Rafale jets more are on the way, the next batch is expected to arrive by October of this year and the last batch will reach by the end of 2021. This is the first batch of Rafale jets more are on the way, the next batch is expected to arrive by October of this year and the last batch will reach by the end of 2021. About Rafale :                                            The Rafale is a twin-jet fighter aircraft able to operate from both an aircraft carrier and a shore base. The fully versatile Rafale is able to carry out all combat aviation missions: air superiority and air defense, close air support, in-depth strikes, reco